To buy our products, please follow the steps below:

  1. Identify the product you want;
  2. Select the size, color (if applicable) and the quantity you want;
  3. Click the "Add to cart" button;
  4. If you already have an account created in our store, log in to your account. If you are a new user, create a user account by entering your data, or the company you represent (name, billing and delivery address, contact details) on You will then be able to proceed to the next step of the order by accessing the account created on without having to enter your personal details for each order.
  5. Choose the payment method;
  6. Choose the delivery method;
  7. Fill in the Comments field if you would like to communicate other details about the order;
  8. Finalize order.

Once completed, the order is automatically registered into our system. For any changes to the order, please contact us at: 0372-759-270, or email at, within 4 hours of placing the order.